Best Use of QR Codes in a PR/Marketing Campaign

QR codes breathe life into Sandy Springs’ CPR campaign

The city’s Fire Rescue Department takes to heart a challenge posed to it by the American Heart Association, and for that, it now takes home a PR Daily Award.

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It’s an old marketing adage among industry professionals that you have to learn the rules before you can break them, but perhaps that was also where the City of Sandy Springs drew upon its inspiration for an effective marketing campaign.

When the American Heart Association asked cities across the United States if they were “heart ready,” simultaneously both challenging and encouraging towns to educate their residents on the importance of learning CPR, Sandy Springs sprang into action.

As home to 40 percent of the available hospital beds in the Atlanta metropolitan area, Sandy Springs not only took the test seriously, it also garnered the support of its Fire Rescue Department, which set out to train townspeople in performing CPR. Together, they launched the “Learn it…before it’s too late” campaign, intermingling old-fashioned face-to-face marketing with budding technologies recently made available amid the field—chiefly, QR (Quick Response) codes.

Under the leadership of Fire Chief Jack McElfish, city and Fire Rescue personnel handed out business cards to groups and individuals at city meetings, speaking engagements, school visits and other functions, each with a QR code on it that enabled holders to access video, content and information for download to assist in the recognition and treatment of sudden cardiac arrest.

Speaking of the campaign’s achievements, Deputy Fire Chief Dennis Ham said, “We’ve leveraged that technology to educate 10,000 people in Sandy Springs in CPR.”

The program also earned the 2011 American Heart Association Mission Award.

“We want to offer our congratulations to Chief McElfish,” said Michael J. Willingham, senior director, Mission: Lifeline for the American Heart Association, adding, “The Heart Association will always be grateful for your contribution to building healthier lives, free from cardiovascular disease and stroke.”

Likewise, we at PR Daily are also impressed, making us happy to congratulate both the City of Sandy Springs and its Fire Rescue Department on winning our Best Use of QR Codes in a PR/Marketing Campaign award.

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