
Biotech toilet paper is the centerpiece of infographic series

Considerable research was conducted to guide the development of the infographics.

Sofidel Clogged Toilets Research + Infographic Series - Logo -

Sofidel, an Italian paper manufacturer, contracted with Mulberry Marketing Communications to develop compelling messaging about Papernet, its biotech toilet paper, for the U.S. market. The benefits of using Papernet were clear: The paper biodegrades in water, leaving no residue or environmental impact. Continual use helps sanitize pipes, septic tanks and sewer systems.

But toilet paper is usually seen as a commodity purchase. The challenge: Convince buyers of the benefits of this higher-priced product. The resulting infographic series has taken the top prize in the “Infographic” category in PR Daily’s Video & Visual Awards.

Mulberry began with a comprehensive research program, seeking insights from three key groups: industry experts and decision makers, consumers and end users. The research included an on-site survey at Seatrade Cruise Global, a cruise industry gathering, where Mulberry obtained information about the impact of toilet clogs on cruise ships.

The company also surveyed the restaurant industry with two research projects. Mulberry partnered with Harris Poll to survey U.S. adults about toilet clogs in public restrooms and with a reputation management software company to assess online reviews of restaurants, looking for references to toilet clogs and other restroom issues.

The research led to four visually arresting infographics: cruise ships, the impact on restaurant customer satisfaction, the impact on business in general and the impact of restrooms on the customer experience.

The infographics appeared online and in print across the targeted industries. They also made it easier to pitch the media, gaining coverage in relevant industry publications. The Sofidel sales team has also used the infographics, which have also been featured on screens at various trade shows and as booth takeaways. They were even used as the basis of infographic videos for sharing via social media.

Congratulations to Jess Messenger, Matt Serra, Kristen Harlin and Kendrick Kidd.

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