Buzzwords can make you a happy camper
Just in case you're not on the case 24/7, here's the 911 on the latest in corporate clichés
Just in case you're not on the case 24/7, here's the 911 on the latest in corporate clichés A couple of years ago, we interviewed Frank Lingua, president of Dissembling Associates, the nation's largest purveyor of clichés, buzzwords and catch phrases. We recently caught up with Mr. Lingua for another conversation.
Thanks for taking the time to see us, Mr. Lingua. Glad you touched base.
What have you been up to since we last spoke? You want the quick download?
Sure. Since our last sit-down, we've gained some traction. Our product suite is robust. We're on more clients' radar screens. They know we've come to play.
Your market has grown? We have the biggest footprint on the planet.
To what do you attribute that success? We have a laser-like business focus centering on balance and diversity, supported by a growth culture that continuously challenges the paradigms, rewrites the rules and is unafraid of creative destruction—the kind of culture where good enough isn't, where we can break free from the organizational silos and free ourselves from a not-invented-here mentality.
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