Executive communicators embrace podcasting, video casting

Smart executive communicators are experimenting with executive podcasts and video podcasts—and having a blast at it, for now. Audio

Smart executive communicators are experimenting with executive podcasts and video podcasts—and having a blast at it, for now

Imagine how your job as an executive communicator would change if, in addition to your heavy work of planning for set speaking engagements to select audiences, you also had the ability—and the responsibility—to put your leader in front of the world with your wise words any time the need arose.

Actually, if a show of hands in a focus group at Ragan’s Speechwriters Conference was any indication at all, then you may not have to imagine this scenario—you’re already living it. Asked if they’d experimented with podcasts for their clients, about half the speechwriters’ hands went up.

When we queried Ragan.com readers asking for volunteers to tell us about their adventures in podcasting and video podcasting, a number of their hands went up too.

Like happy owners of a shiny new toy, they seemed thrilled to answer our questions.

You already have a lot on your plate: What inspired you to start messing around with podcasting?

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