Follow this checklist after you publish your blog post
Proofing and promoting are essential once you’ve taken it live.
Proofing and promoting are essential once you’ve taken it live
I read a great blog post on Daniel Scocco’s Daily Blog Tips. In The Blog Post Checklist: Use Before Hitting Publish, he lists 13 things you should do with blog posts before they go live.
There are a lot of other resources on the Web about what you should do before you publish your post, but there hasn’t been that much information about what to do afterward, at least not in an easy-to-read checklist format that you can use—until today.
Why is this important? Because 50 percent of a blog’s success comes from the actual posting of content, and the other half comes from what happens after that content is published.
Unfortunately, many bloggers tend to work only on the first 50 percent (publish and done) and therefore see only 50 percent of their potential results. Growing a successful blog takes work, and the work doesn’t end with the content on your site.
Here’s a checklist to follow once you publish your post:
1. Did I read the post and check for spelling and grammar errors?
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