How to keep employees engaged when they work remotely
Telework offers many benefits but some challenges—particularly engagement. Here’s how to maintain team spirit when employees work outside of the workplace.
We live in an era of increased telecommuting, and employees love it that way.
Global Analytics Workplace estimates that roughly 3.7 million employees (2.8 percent of the workforce) now work from home at least half the time; 50 percent of the U.S. workforce holds a job that is at least partially compatible with telework; and approximately 20-25 percent of the workforce teleworks at some frequency
There are compelling reasons to support remote work arrangements. Global Analytics Workplace has found that 80 percent of employees consider telework a job perk, with two-thirds wanting to work from home; 36 percent of employees would choose working from home over a pay raise; and 37 percent would take a pay cut of 10 percent if they could work from home.
Clearly, working from home improves employee satisfaction, and it offers other significant benefits as well. Telecommuting creates some challenges, though—which I’ll get to in a moment. First, the positives.
Global Analytics Workplace has found that working from home:
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