How to master Facebook Live
As the trend of video content grows, livestreaming can be a great way to capture consumers’ attention and boost your brand’s influence. Consider these tips.
From your smartphone or computer, you can instantly put your organization in front of thousands of viewers. You have the option to broadcast live from your home, office or even your favorite restaurant. Livestreaming options are now endless thanks to social media.
Although anyone can now broadcast to a large audience, at any time, PR pros should follow livestreaming best practices. It is essential to plan your live broadcast as you would traditional video or commercial creation.
To help you get started, here are four tips to master Facebook Live:
1. Promote your video before you go live.
Livestreaming via Facebook is a great way to engage your audience. Broadcasting enables you to target your personal network, fans on your business page, an event or a group. Ensure you have an audience by building anticipation.
A few things you can do to promote your video before going live include:
2. Plan and practice.
After you promote your Facebook Live broadcast, it is essential to plan and practice for it.
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