It Seems To Us: Is your organization ‘Glocal’?
Get ready for the next hot buzzword: —Glocal’ companies are those organizations that . . . well, we’re not sure what they do
Speaking of global communication, Coca-Cola is shoring up its worldwide communications efforts. According to the Financial Times, “Coca-Cola is looking to forge partnerships with overseas governments to make itself a —valued citizen’ in international markets—and avoid a repeat of the political blunders that tarnished its image last year.’ It’s obvious to us what Coke needs to do: It needs a new product that will assimilate global trends while hyperspacing multiple niches into mass-appeal hyperlocal desirability brands. RR editors have mindshared ideas with hypersensitive niche consumers, and have leveraged a new brand identity for the groundbreaking product. Its name: Glocal Cola. Or, Coca Glocal. Or, the diet version, LoCal Glocal Cola. Or . . . never mind. We’ll let the marketers figure it out.
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