Making memes work in your online campaigns
These pieces of internet culture are pervasive across social media platforms, but it’s not just for bloggers or online fans. Here’s what you should know about jumping on the trend.

The currency of the social media world is influence.
Influence is our ability to drive others to take action, and a powerful tool to drive action is a meme.
When should you use them for your brand, and why are they so important in today’s media environment?
With the Olympic Games in Rio going on, we see prime examples created every day. Exhibit A: This week in preparation for a race, U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps got caught on camera with an aggressive look on his face. Thus, #PhelpsFace was born and has been shared hundreds of thousands of times.
Taking part in such episodic moments can display a brand’s relevance and drive engagement. Sometimes being on the bandwagon displays that your brand is engaged and in the know. Other times, as with #PhelpsFace, there can be some risk.
When someone cuts you off in traffic. 😉 #PhelpsFace
— Jeff Barrett (@BarrettAll) August 9, 2016
No one owns a meme
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