Pope’s speeches soon on YouTube

CEO meets the new president “in a handshaking capacity”; Columnist defends Caroline Kennedy’s “ums”; how to make PowerPoint somewhat less irritating.

CEO meets the new president “in a handshaking capacity”; Columnist defends Caroline Kennedy’s “ums”; how to make PowerPoint somewhat less irritating

Pope to launch YouTube channel: If you like watching speeches in Latin, then Pope Benedict XVI’s new YouTube channel will be your kind of thing. The Vatican’s press office has announced that it is working with Google (owner of YouTube) on a way to share video and audio of the Pontiff’s speeches. The Pope already has more than 24,000 friends on his Facebook page, established by the Holy See Press Office. (Seriously! We’re not making this up!)

That was some handshake: The press release headline read “AAER CEO Meets President-Elect Barack Obama at Cardinal Fastener.” It grabbed the attention of a reporter at the Toronto Globe and Mail, who wondered why a Canadian exec would command the attention of the U.S. president just a few days before the inauguration.

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