Thank You

Thank you for attending Ragan's AI Certificate Course for Communicators and Marketers, moderated by Jess Zafarris, director of content at Ragan Communications and PR Daily. Below are the slide decks from the presentations, homework assignments and bonus takeaway materials.

Click here (Week 1, Week 2, Week 3) to view our event slides with additional awards, events and council information.

Materials are intended for attendee use only. Please do not distribute.

We encourage you to bookmark this page or save the URL for future use.

Wednesday, October 25

Week 3: Measuring the Magic

Oct. 25, 1-3 p.m. ET
AI + Human Fusion: Measuring Success and Navigating Legal Considerations
Stephanie Nivinskus, CEO, SizzleForce Marketing - slides 
Olubukola (Buki) Ogunsakin, Emerging Tech Lawyer, Principal, BBO Solicitors - slides

Watch the session recording here

Homework: Finish steps 5-10 in our key steps to strategically incorporate AI in your communication efforts and improving outcomes. As a reminder, these include the following:
5. Identify & acquire the tools you’ll need
6. Identify the people on your team who will be using this tool
7. Map out time for learning & testing
8. Identify your success metrics
9. Launch your new tool
10. Optimize for results

Wednesday, October 18

Week 2: Hands-On AI Creation

Oct. 18, 1-3 p.m. ET

The Art of the Prompt: How to Generate Tailored, Top-Notch Writing and Imagery
Stephanie Nivinskus, CEO, SizzleForce Marketing - slides
Richard Harbridge, CTO and owner, 2toLead - slides

Watch the session recording here

HOMEWORK: Create a fun graphic for your brand’s social media channels or a newsletter in your generator of choice (we recommend Ideogram for beginners), and come prepared to discuss the resulting creative, legal and ethical concerns surrounding AI in Part 3 of our course.

Wednesday, October 11

Week 1: Understanding AI in Marketing

Oct. 11, 1-3 p.m. ET
Marketing and Comms Magic: Elevating Communications and Audience Engagement with AI
Stephanie Nivinskus, CEO, SizzleForce Marketing - slides
Julia McCoy, President, Founder, Author, Content at Scale, Content Hacker - slides

Watch the session recording here

Bonus Material