The basics of writing a strong press release
Why an upside-down triangle is crucial to a successful pitch.
Want to write a better press release? Go to journalism school.
If that’s not an option, brush up on the basics of news writing, such as the five Ws (and one H) and the inverted pyramid style. As the journo-nerds who read this blog have already figured out, my corny reference to the “upside-down triangle” is a nod to the latter—the fading art of writing in inverted pyramid style, particularly when it comes to composing press releases. If you want to get more attention for your press releases, start incorporating the inverted pyramid concept into your writing.
Inverted pyramid? What the heck do you mean?
If you studied journalism in college (or are reading this post on your laptop during your Journalism 101 class), you already know what I mean. For the benefit of those of you that didn’t go to J-school, the inverted pyramid is a traditional news reporting style designed to communicate the most important and relevant information at the beginning of the news story and information of diminished importance as the story progresses.
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