The Blog DoggerIs this another PR goof for Facebook?
Facebook boots a prominent blogger from its site, sparking a movement which might alter how we use social networks, plus what Obama’s victory in Iowa means to the workplace.
Is Facebook in desperate need of good PR counselors? Or is tech blogger Robert Scoble in desperate need of a punch in the mouth?
In perhaps the first blogging scandal of 2008, Facebook briefly kicked Robert Scoble off the social networking site. For some context, that’s like kicking Jack Nicholson out of the Screen Actor’s Guild—whether it’s deserved or not the action will cause a PR shit storm.
Who is Robert Scoble? He’s a former Microsoft blogger, who helped make over the company’s image with tech geeks. Now he blogs and gets into new-media adventures at, sampling whatever’s new in the geek world. As one columnist from The Guardian put it: “Watching Scoble in action is like taking a puppy for a walk. He is insatiably curious, and he follows every lead, no matter how daft.”
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