The hows, whys and why-nots of scheduled tweets
Automation is a godsend for frazzled communicators, but you’re not doing your organization any favors if your consumer engagement languishes as a result.

Scheduled tweets are my jam.
They also keep me servicing several clients 15+ hours a day, seven days a week. Without scheduled tweets, I’d be shackled to my phone or computer and spend countless hours tweeting.
Not productive. Not scalable. Just not fun.
Automation can certainly make those tedious tasks much easier, but how far can we take automation (such as scheduled tweets) before it becomes spam?
How I use automation to manage scheduled tweets
Let’s start with how, because I know that sharing processes can help those who are starting out.
Last December, I wrote a post on the exact process I use for distributing content. If you’ve got the time, I encourage you to take a peek.
There are three main tools I use to schedule my tweets (personally and professionally):
This tool may surprise some of you, but here’s what I like about Klout:
I can also share directly (immediately) or schedule my tweet(s) to go out at later times.
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