Tips for beating procrastination—without delay

Transform onerous tasks into habits, and establish ‘action days.’

Transform onerous tasks into habits, and establish ‘action days’

Editor’s note: Stever Robbins is the host of The Get-It-Done Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More.

But I’ll bet there’s a lot you don’t put off. Most people shower, brush their teeth, and get dressed every morning without procrastinating. They just do it. People who cook go shopping weekly and stock up. They don’t procrastinate, they just do it. And when it comes to putting on shoes and socks, well, gosh darn it, I just put those socks right on my feetsies and leap into my day.

The difference is thinking. When you think before you act, you can talk yourself out of anything, no matter how important it might be.

Habits are thoughtless

What makes the things you do on time effortless is not their importance. I can survive months without doing laundry, especially if I don’t care about keeping my friends. Laundry is just not that important. I can get gum infections and lose all my teeth if I don’t brush regularly. Brushing is that important.

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