Top 10 responses to social media naysayers
How to persuade your boss to green light Web 2.0 projects.
How to persuade your boss to green light Web 2.0 projects
As I recently mentioned, there are some common excuses companies use for not investing in social media. Here are some recommendations on how to respond when you encounter such a challenge from a client or prospective client.
Excuse #1. We don’t have the resources.
Response: Take advantage of platforms such as SocialOomph to help take care of some of the heavy lifting associated with having to post frequently and schedule tweets, when possible.
Excuse #2. We can’t justify the costs because it’s too difficult to measure success.
Response: Free tools such as Google Analytics and IceRocket are available to help you monitor progress and benchmark your success.
Excuse #3. Our company just isn’t ready.
Response: As disappointed as you may be, don’t push a company to get involved in social media if the organization’s heart isn’t in it. If executives don’t understand or don’t believe in it, your social media efforts will ultimately suffer. Keep filtering them information and case studies and hopefully they will come around soon enough.
Excuse #4. It’s only good for consumer brands.
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