Tough times call for tough skin
Whether you’re hiring or looking for a job, challenges abound.
Whether you’re hiring or looking for a job, challenges abound
Here’s an understatement: It’s tough out there. Anyone who’s been in the job market in recent years knows this all too welI.
The communications field has always been one of the toughest markets to crack; it’s never been known for its glut of opportunities in good times. Even the largest of corporations typically have a fairly lean comms staff, and people in those positions tend to hold on to them or move around among departments.
For the corporate openings that do crop up, the competition is formidable. These days, newly-hatched graduates are up against pros, many of whom are more amenable than ever to considering lower-level—and lower-paying—jobs, if only to get their foot back into somebody’s door.
I’ve been on both sides of that door. Each has its challenges.
On the hiring manager’s side, the challenge is to not make a bad decision, because it’ll be a decision you’ll have to live with. You have to tread carefully, taking steps to minimize such a risk.
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