Visuals engage employees most, poll shows

Nearly half of communicators say employees engage best when they have a picture to look at or a video to watch, reports a LinkedIn poll.

Call it the Pinterest effect, or a result of Facebook’s gearing itself increasingly toward images and video, but a Ragan Communications poll of nearly 200 readers on LinkedIn found that almost half, 48 percent, said video and images do the best job of engaging employees.

About a quarter, 26 percent, said it was employee-generated blogs and articles that garner the most attention, while 13 percent replied that polls and surveys get the most engagement from employees. Only 7 percent said articles from the communication staff do the best job. Another 7 percent replied “other,” and many of those respondents explained via comments that they find face-to-face interaction the best way to communicate.

It’s not a scientific poll, but the numbers certainly bear out that visuals make a huge difference when it comes to keeping employees interested.

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