What messages are resonating heading into 2021?
Members share some of their favorite branding from the past several months to learn what is working for today’s audiences—and what is not.
What are the messages that are really working for brands ahead of 2021? Here are some of the campaigns that members say have had the biggest impact:
1. Asking for civility.
One member shared the example of the political ads run by candidates in Utah that made the case for civility and respect for the democratic process. “People are so exhausted with all the nastiness,” the member argued. Audiences were ready for something different—and something positive:
2. Putting money behind your message.
Members liked companies that were able to use their vast resources to make a difference and show human compassion for consumers during the many challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. One example that was highlighted: Cottonelle’s “#Shareasquare” campaign:
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