Internal Corporate Communications: Email Best Practices

Boost your email strategy, and increase employee engagement!

Corporate communicators have a responsibility to inform, educate and motivate their respective audiences.

Beyond that, you have an opportunity (and an obligation) to build trust, provide clarity and make employees feel valued. Amid so much ongoing uncertainty, how can you keep up with these daunting challenges? Much of it comes down to email strategy.

PoliteMail’s new “Email best practices” guide offers a trove of smart guidance to fuel your COVID-era communication. The free download provides clarity on how to maximize messaging during this historic period of workplace upheaval, along with data-backed tips to make sure your email cuts through the noise. Citing analysis from 1.5 billion emails sent to 8.5 million employees worldwide, the guide covers:

  • How to reduce email overload.
  • Insights to improve messaging decisions and timing.
  • Benchmark metrics for reach, frequency, readership, and engagement.
  • How to present email data to execs in meaningful ways.
  • Email metrics that truly matter (and those that don’t).
  • The top seven email best practices you should start following today.
  • Using data to create email employees will actually read—and possibly even enjoy!

To make your emails an asset rather than a liability, download your free guide from PoliteMail today.


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