Reaching the Frontline: Overcoming Communication Challenges and Breaking Through

Reaching the Frontline: Overcoming Communication Challenges and Breaking Through

Often, internal communications boil down to sending a flood of emails, posting on the intranet or hosting virtual town halls. These tactics often ignore a vital worker population: those who don’t spend their days working in front of a computer (or maybe don’t even have a computer).

These workers are medical professionals, manufacturing workers, retail staff or working in hundreds of other “desk-less” professions, and they need the same level of engagement and communications as other, deskbound workers. But they don’t always get it.

In this new white paper from Simpplr, you'll learn the challenges of reaching desk-less workers — and how to give them the attention they deserve.

You'll learn:

  • The perils of ignoring front-line workers in your corporate communications
  • The challenges of reaching workers in multiple languages
  • The benefits of better front-line communication to your bottom line
  • Techniques for reaching these workers where they are
  • And much more

Download the free white paper from Simpplr today!

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