Why and how to give your staffers a distinctive voice on social media
Employee advocacy can be your brand’s greatest asset, but not if your people are just pumping out the corporate line in unison.
Recycling is generally viewed as smart, responsible behavior—except when it occurs on social media.
You’ve seen them, the canned, mass-produced tweets that sound as if they were written by a marketing bot alongside copied-and-pasted Facebook shares filled with corporate jargon and buzzwords.
These updates are sent with the right intentions—to raise awareness of company happenings while displaying a high level of employee support—but the execution is completely wrong.
If all your employees are saying exactly the same things, showing zero personality and operating strictly in brand-speak, your well-intended advocacy and awareness efforts could be backfiring.
The employee advantage
When companies view “employee advocacy” as 500 people retweeting a single message simultaneously, followers will feel they’re getting spammed and employees will feel they aren’t being valued as unique, intelligent members of the team.
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