Free bonus content for #RaganMSFT attendees!
Thank you for joining us at the Employee Communications, PR & Social Media Summit at Microsoft. Please enjoy these special bonus resources provided by our partners: Dynamic Signal, PoliteMail, Valo Intranet by C/D/H and Bananatag.
Fill out the form below to download:
How to measure the impact of employee communication & engagement:
Learn the keys to measuring the success and impact of your employee engagement strategy – an e-book from Dynamic Signal
Email measurement insights & best practices:
Boost your email strategy and improve engagement with insights from the analysis of 200 million internal email messages – PoliteMail’s new 2018 benchmark data report
The modern intranet – Mobile, social & collaborative:
Check out this guide from Valo Intranet by C/D/H for the 10 features your intranet needs, today’s top intranet design trends and more!
Employee email engagement resources:
A template to help you create visually pleasing newsletters & an easy-to-use tool to analyze your email strategy – two handy resources provided by Bananatag.