Free bonus content for
#RaganInternalComms attendees!
Thank you again for joining us for our Best Practices in Internal Communications & Culture Virtual Conference. Please enjoy these special bonus resources provided by our partners: 3BL Media, ContactMonkey, PoliteMail, Red Level Group, Valo, Simpplr and Microsoft Yammer.
Fill out the form below to download:

Taking a Stand: Why and How Organizations Should Cultivate Purpose:
Employees—and external audiences—want organizations to take a stand on issues. Find out why and how doing so can help your organization boost retention, recruitment and reputation with this guide from 3BL Media.

7 Ways to get Honest Feedback from Employee Surveys:
If you want employees to give truthful responses in surveys, your organization must be transparent and cultivate a culture of honesty. This guide from ContactMonkey will show you how.

A Guide to Intranet Home Page Design 101:
Is your intranet home page in need of a refresh? Learn the four parts for creating—and maintaining—a successful digital workplace with this guide from Red Level Group.

Corporate Communications Internal Email Benchmarks for 10 Industry Sectors:
Email provides the most extensive reach of any corporate communications channel, and you can see how your corporate email communications stack up with this guide from PoliteMail.

10 Internal Communications Best Practices During COVID-19:
The current pandemic has changed the way many organizations operate—including the way they communicate with their workforce. This guide from Simpplr shares insights for making the most of this unprecedented situation.

Better Campaigns with Yammer:
This step-by-step playbook from Microsoft Yammer will help you choose, create, execute and measure the best campaign for improving engagement with everyone in your organization.