3 lessons from viral content at Ford
Surprise your audience. It’s not always about you. Find partners. Also, how about hiring a woman stunt driver and having some fun?

Lesson One about women: They like syrupy, sentimental content on Valentine’s Day—images of flowers, chocolates and walks on the beach.
Lesson Two: Everybody knows guys drive better than women.
OK, OK! You’re right! False on both counts, says Ford Motor Co. (And I agree!) To dispel such stereotypes, the automaker pranked several unsuspecting dudes by arranging blind dates with a female stunt driver for a Valentine’s Day video.
She then took each of them for a high-speed spin in a Mustang as they clung to their seat and a hidden camera recorded their reactions.
The video, with 13.6 million views on YouTube, is just one example of creative content the carmaker is sending down the assembly line. Ford opens its books on its strategy in the Ragan Training video “How to integrate content marketing in the real world-best practices and pitfalls to avoid.”
Ford dishes out lessons in a session on Ragan Training. Here are three takeaways:
1. ‘Speed Dating’: Surprise your audience.
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