5 industry leaders name their top PR success metric

There’s plenty of debate about how to quantify public relations efficacy. Here are what five experienced pros look for.

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What matters most in public relations?

It’s a puzzler that falls somewhere between achieving world peace and figuring out how to peel a hard-boiled egg in one fell swoop.

To shed light on this contentious topic, we asked five data-driven PR professionals: What is the most powerful PR metric you use to gauge campaign success?

Here’s what they said:

1. Sales

“I know some people consider me a snake oil salesman because I advocate for PR-generated revenue, but the fact is if we aren’t contributing to the Profit and Loss Statements of our organizations, we aren’t doing our jobs.

“Sure, there are things that cannot be directly attributed to dollars—such as brand awareness—but we know that inherently does increase sales. To that end, the most powerful PR metric we use to gauge success is how much revenue we drive through our efforts, both for ourselves and our clients.”

Gini Dietrich

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