5 ways to become a better speaker overnight
Deliver a unique nugget, share your emotions, and respect the power of the extended pause.

You’re asked to speak at an important event. It’s an incredible opportunity. You should be thrilled, but because you rarely speak in a formal setting, all you can think about is bombing.
The ability to captivate an audience is a skill that takes years to develop. If you don’t have that kind of time, here are five unconventional ways to become a better speaker almost overnight:
1. Find one thing no one knows.
I have never heard someone say: “I was at this presentation the other day. The speaker’s Gantt chart was amazing.”
I have heard someone say: “I was at this presentation the other day. Did you know when you blush the lining of your stomach also turns red?”
Find a surprising fact or an unusual analogy that relates to your topic. Audiences love to cock their heads and think, “Really? I had no idea…”
2. Share a genuinely emotional story.
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