6 crucial parts of a PR apology

When asking for forgiveness from the public, there are several key points that every crisis communicator worth their salt must hit. Don’t forget to offer concrete actions to make amends.

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There’s more to an apology than simply saying you’re sorry.

Without question, the first step to getting past any reputational crisis is apologizing for the wrongdoing. Research shows that there’s actually a psychological benefit to true apologies. For the person wronged, she undergoes a feeling of emotional healing. What’s more, she no longer views the person who wronged her as a personal threat.

Beyond psychology, offering a true apology can often diffuse a situation that might spiral out of control on social media, in the workplace or in your business relationships. The perception that you are not only truly sorry, but that you will learn from your error, eases crisis situations and can form the basis of you reclaiming your personal or professional reputation.

What’s the best way to apologize? There’s some science behind that. The Ohio State University found in two separate studies that there are six elements to an effective apology—and the more facets you cover, the better your outcome:

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