8 guidelines for a great blog
Natural writing talent helps, of course, but here is accessible advice to make the most of every post, regardless of your skill level.

If you’re not confident in your writing skills, can you still be a great blogger?
Let’s be honest. Good writing matters. But there are a few simple ideas any one can learn to dramatically improve the quality of their blog posts.
Let’s take a look at a few tricks of the trade that are explored in detail in a new book I’ve co-authored with Stanford Smith called “Born to Blog“:
Read it out loud
“I feel like you’re talking to me.”
That’s common feedback I receive about my books and blog posts. If you can’t write, you can still talk, right? I suggest that you literally read your blog posts aloud before publishing. If something does not roll off the tongue in a natural and conversational way, change it.
Cut, cut, cut
The biggest problem I see in the guest posts I receive is that they are far too wordy. Eliminate every word and sentence that does not move the story along. If your post is more than 1,000 words that is a sure danger sign.
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