9 steps to repurpose blog posts
Content marketers can grab views and boost visitor numbers without the hassle of creating articles from scratch. Here’s how to republish what you already have.

We all need to refresh from time to time.
Whether it’s your clothes, hairstyle or deodorant, change is a good thing. The same applies for the content on your blog.
Not only does it improve your website’s search engine ranking, but it also increases the readership of your site. Plus, you don’t have to sweat over trying to come up with a brand new article.
If you wrote a stellar blog post a year ago on a subject that is currently trending again, you can—and should—revamp the article to attract new eyes. Your current readers may not have any idea that this old article applies to a current topic.
Here are a few steps to make what is old (blog-wise) new again:
1. See what’s on top. Review your old posts to see which ones are high-performing.
Check your analytics to see which one has a lot of inbound links, social shares, comments and traffic. This will guide you in your selection. You can also use a post that isn’t a top performer if it relates to a current subject.
2. Keep the URL. When rewriting a post, keep the URL the same and just update the old post. Publishing duplicate content can lower your ranking on search engines.
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