Building your content calendar strategically

Once you’ve got the right project management tool, you’ve still got to feed the content beast.

We’ve recently seen an uptick in members of the Ragan community asking for tips on how to best keep the endless deluge of content needs organized and manageable. This is no surprise—the communications function engages with nearly every department in an organization, some with seemingly competitive priorities and deliverables.

For those managing global teams, feeding the content beast may be easier with the creation of a localization playbook. But whether your stakeholders are spread across markets or already localized, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when content is published ad hoc.

When asked by members which tool we use to manage content calendars at Ragan, I continue to shout “Trello” from the rooftops. Trello, with its ability to create project cards with multiple owners, its easy-to-use interface, and its calendar view feels intuitive. The tool lets us ensure we’re mixing up our coverage, balancing content marketing with stories of independent editorial merit, and leaving room for newsier, timely coverage alongside the important evergreen stuff.

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