How are you using humor in marketing emails?

Here are five examples showing a lighter touch when tying a product line to a holiday or pulling a customer back to an online shopping cart to close the sale. Try these tactics for your brand.

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Even the most serious email marketers (and customers) enjoy levity. Humor has long been a vital part of marketing. When it comes to email marketing, it’s often the message with the funny gag or gif that cuts through inbox clutter.

Here’s how five companies are using humor to build their brand and enhance email engagement:

That email from Harry’s, sent before Saint Patrick’s Day, takes the cake—and the stout. While wishing their subscribers good tidings on the special day, Harry’s offers a perfect product tie-in.

Short, punchy copy, a funny video, a perfect use of the hashtag #savethestout—everything about this email works. However, one important thing is missing: the call to action.

Poncho sends personalized weather alerts to its subscribers. What sets its email apart is their whimsical, wry writing. Who said weather reports have to be boring?

Poncho’s copy is an amalgamation of facts and suggestions, but with a comical touch. Poncho also uses bizarre hero images that bring a smile. There’s also space for enlisting other ways to connect with the company, which ensures better engagement with the brand.

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