Infographic: The state of smartphone etiquette
Twenty-seven percent of people say they would answer their phones during a face-to-face conversation, and 88 percent say pedestrians shouldn’t text while crossing the street. Do you agree?

How many times have you been stuck next to someone—in line at a store or on a bus or train—who was loudly yakking away on his or her cell phone?
Perhaps you have friends or co-workers who, when you meet for dinner, keep their phones on the table.
Let’s be honest: those habits are annoying.
And an infographic from eBay Daily Deals says they are considered “phubbing,” or phone snubbing—when a person chooses to engage with his phone rather than with the human in front of him.
As smartphones gain more and more capabilities, the etiquette becomes murky. Is it rude to ignore an incoming call? How long can you wait to respond to a text before you offend the sender? Is it OK for pedestrians to text while walking?
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